Reporting & EDDs
CT Laboratories LLC takes special care to understand the unique needs of our clients to design custom solutions that exceed expectations.
Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs)
CT Laboratories is a strong proponent of electronic data deliverables (EDDs) to reduce the time required to provide our clients with their data, while providing great flexibility in how the data are used. We are also capable of electronically providing laboratory data to third parties, such as regulatory agencies, at the client’s request.
Because we have the capability to send clients data and reports electronically, we have become virtually paperless in this area at CT Laboratories.
Standard Formats
We routinely provide EDDs in a variety of common industry formats, as well as client-specific variations, including:
Fixed-length or comma delimited ASCII text
Microsoft Excel Worksheet
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
Individual State Program formats
Level I? Level IV? Find out what the differences are here.
Data Transmission
CT Laboratories has several approaches currently in place to transmit electronic data to our clients.
These methods include:
Transmission of data via Internet email
Shipment of files via virus-checked CDs
Download via access to our secure FTP website.
CT Laboratories has a highly capable information systems (IS) staff that is available to answer questions and assist clients with technical issues. We are keenly aware of the need to protect each client’s data from unauthorized access. CT Laboratories has a number of mechanisms in place to limit both internal and external data access to those parties that are authorized by the client or play a vital role in preparing, processing, or transmitting the data.
CT Laboratories also has the ability to encrypt each EDD set using a number of protective schemes, including each application’s native password protection or commercial products, such as WinZip. For more information about our EDD service, contact Information Systems Manager, by telephone at 608.356.2760
Electronic Validation Packages
CT Laboratories provides a wide variety of data report formats, including Level IV data validation packages, which contain all QC and raw data necessary for independent review and reconstruction of the analytical results. Our electronic version of the Level IV validation package has been enthusiastically received by our clients, reducing or eliminating the need for shipping and storing multi-ream paper reports.
Our electronic package is an original – generated directly from our LIMS, not merely a scanned copy (with the exception of chain of custody and laboratory notebooks).